Idris Okuneye often known as Bobrisky, a popular crossdresser and socialite, has addressed a message to Nigerians days after his release from prison. On Monday, the...
Habeeb Okikiola often known as Portable, a controversial Nigerian artist, has rekindled his feud with Davido, a senior colleague. The rift between them began when Davido...
Nigerian artist Habeeb Okikiola, also known as Portable, has distributed food to the poor on the streets. The controversial musician released a video on Instagram of...
Controversial Nollywood actor Lege Miami has picked his better choice between controversial actress Iyabo Ojo and controversial singer Portable. In an interview with Pulse Inside Scoop hosted...
The social media drama between controversial singer Portable and his colleague Davido has taken on a new dimension. Portable has again hit hard at Davido after...