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Mesmerizing natural wonders in Canada almost no one talks about



Canada is home to countless natural wonders that attract visitors from around the world. However, some spectacular sights remain relatively undiscovered gems. This blog post will introduce several of Canada’s most mesmerizing yet lesser-known natural attractions, with a focus on educating readers and capturing their imagination. 

The Wave Pools of Eastern Ontario

One of Eastern Ontario’s best-kept secrets is the stunning wave pools nestled along the crystalline shorelines of the St. Lawrence River. Formed by receding glaciers thousands of years ago, these unique formations feature massive shelves of exposed bedrock that create mesmerizing ocean-like waves. Depending on water levels and weather conditions, wave sizes can vary dramatically but often tower over 10 feet high.

Watching the waves crash upon the rocks is a breathtaking sight as sheets of foaming water surge forward only to smash into curtains of spray. The power and majesty of nature on display is truly awe-inspiring. However, accessing the shoreline requires caution. Experienced boaters can safely navigate amongst the waves on calm days, but strong currents make swimming inadvisable. From the water or shore, a hint of danger only adds to the thrill of taking in this unique natural phenomenon.


How the Waves Are Formed

The geology that creates Eastern Ontario’s famed wave pools is quite fascinating. During the last ice age, immense glaciers scoured the exposed Canadian Shield bedrock, gouging out deep incisions that now define the St. Lawrence shoreline. As sea levels rose after the ice retreated, the ancient shoreline remained etched high upon the face of the hills. Powerful wave action has since excavated the soft overburden, exposing slick shelves of hard granitic rock that plunge vertically into the river. Depending on rock type and jointing patterns, erosion has formed a stunning array of alcoves, arches, and sea stacks along this rugged coastline. When wind-driven waves crash upon the resistant bedrock, the perfectly shelved shoreline reflects their energy back in an explosion of white water. This unique combination of geology and hydrology has crafted some of Eastern Ontario’s most mesmerizing natural coastal scenery.

The Northern Lights of the Northwest Territories

When autumn darkness descends upon Canada’s northern Yukon and Northwest Territories, skies erupt in a mesmerizing display of color and light known as the Aurora Borealis. Best viewed under dark, clear conditions away from city lights between September and April, the magical Northern Lights dance ethereally in pale emerald and rose hues. Shimmering curtains and wispy veils streak dynamically across the star-filled firmament, illuminating the night with a natural light show like no other.

How the Northern Lights are Formed

The aurora phenomenon occurs when charged particles from the Sun interact with Earth’s magnetic field. Near the poles, the field guides these particles into the upper atmosphere, where collisions with gases like nitrogen and oxygen cause the sky to glow in soothing pastel shades. Solar winds are greatly enhanced during periods of increased solar activity, like sunspot maximum, making displays more vibrant and frequent. Optimal viewing locations in the northwest place viewers directly under the auroral oval for front-row seats to one of nature’s most mesmerizing cosmic ballets.


While visiting northern Canada’s native communities offers a cultural immersion like no other, the true splendor of the aurora can best be appreciated from truly dark wilderness vistas, free of light pollution. Popular spots include Nahanni National Park Reserve, Tuktut Nogait National Park, and the legendary Inuvik Delta region. With patience and clear skies, those who brave the chilly northern nights will be amply rewarded with a spectacle that could only be described as otherworldly in its beauty.

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The Grasslands of Saskatchewan

Vast open plains may not seem quite as dramatic as towering mountains or forested valleys, yet the grasslands of southern Saskatchewan evoke a refreshing sense of solitude and serenity. Stretching toward the horizons in rolling hills clad in prairie grasses, these true-to-nature ecosystems harbor unique biodiversity and mesmerizing vistas distinctive to the Canadian interior.

Flora and Fauna of the Grasslands

Over 200 species of grasses and wildflowers carpet the open plains, bursting into radiant pastels each spring. Iconic flora like Indian paintbrush, bluebells, and purple prairie clover paint the landscape in whimsical hues. Abundant wildlife thrives in this diverse tallgrass prairie ecosystem, with colonies of burrowing owls, prairie dogs, and a huge diversity of native pollinator species. On clear days, great herds of pronghorn antelope can often be seen bounding effortlessly across the open terrain in their graceful, zig-zagging gaits. Perhaps most remarkably, millions of migratory birds descend each summer to nest upon the open prairies – a feathered extravaganza truly unlike any other.


Experiencing the Grasslands

Provincial grassland parks like Matador, Cypress Hills, and Grasslands preserve prime swaths of native prairie habitat. Multi-use trails invite visitors to immerse themselves in the natural splendor by hiking, cycling, or horseback riding. Backcountry camping permits an up-close wilderness encounter under starry skies. Come spring, wildflower tours led by knowledgeable naturalists successfully capture the fleeting beauty of the prairie in bloom. While harsh winters keep visitation low, those who brave the elements discover Saskatchewan’s grasslands offer truly mesmerizing vistas of the wide-open Canadian interior.

The Tablelands of Newfoundland

Rising abruptly from the rugged Atlantic coast of western Newfoundland, an otherworldly highland plateau known as the Tablelands imparts a true sense of discovery. Carved into gargantuan flat-topped mesas by powerful glacial erosion, this 30-kilometer stretch of barren basalt columns stands in stark contrast to the surrounding forested lowlands. Windswept vistas extend for kilometers over sheer cliff faces plunging hundreds of feet to the ocean far below.

Natural Features of the Tablelands

Columns of columnar basalt, formed when ancient lavas congealed, are stacked in hexagonal prisms across the barren landscape. Erosion through freezing and thawing has sculpted the formations into bizarre shapes resembling everything from a Roman temple to a medieval castle. Pools of jade-colored water collect between the columns, ringed by rust-colored sphagnum moss. Dwarf trees resembling bonsai bend at precarious angles in the relentless coastal gales. On misty days, low-lying clouds swirl dramatically amidst the pillars, adding to an otherworldly ambiance found nowhere else on Earth.


Accessing the Tablelands

The only way to truly appreciate the grandeur of the Tablelands is through a moderate 7 km hike from the trailhead at Grates Cove. With strategic placement of stairs and suspension bridges, the trail navigates safely but adventurously over and amongst the bizarre rockscapes. Though exposure to the fierce North Atlantic elements can be punishing, those who brave the elements will be rewarded with astounding vistas that must simply be witnessed to be believed. For sheer uniqueness, raw natural drama, and breathtaking scenery, Newfoundland’s Tablelands takes the top prize as one of Canada’s most astonishingly scenic yet least visited natural places.

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Questions and Answers

This section will address some frequently asked questions about Canada’s hidden natural gems:

What is the best time of year to visit each location?

  • The wave pools of Eastern Ontario can be appreciated year-round, but spring through fall offer calmer lake conditions for boating.
  • The Northern Lights are best viewed from September through April under a dark sky fully away from city lights. February is considered peak season.
  • Saskatchewan’s grasslands showcase peak wildflower blooms typically from May through July. Spring and fall see good wildlife viewing too before and after the intensely hot summers.
  • The barren drama of Newfoundland’s Tablelands can be witnessed year-round, but spring through fall, when weather is more cooperative offers the safest trail access. Severe coastal storms make winter treks riskier.

What equipment and clothing is required?

  • Dress for changeable weather at all locations with appropriate rain gear and layers. Footwear should suit rugged coastal terrain or prairie trails.
  • Binoculars enhance wildlife and scenery viewing. Star-gazing telescopes help maximize northern light displays.
  • Camera equipment appropriate for low-light and landscape photography capture these stunning natural spectacles. Use of tripods recommended especially at night.
  • Boating excursions along the Ontario shore require appropriate watercraft, safety gear, and navigational skills. Outings to the Tablelands require some degree of balance over rugged cliffs.

How accessible are campgrounds near these sites?

  • Eastern Ontario’s wave pools have limited primitive campsites accessible only by boat along the shoreline on a first-come basis during summer. Nearby provincial parks offer more developed facilities.
  • Campgrounds in Saskatchewan’s grassland parks provide everything from basic tent pads to full-service sites from spring through fall. Backcountry sites require reservations.
  • The Yukon and NWT have many scenic campground options in/near territorial and national parks, though more remote areas involve water access only or primitive backcountry sites. Always practice leave-no-trace ethics.

What permits or guides are recommended?

  • Boating along Ontario’s coastal cliffs requires boat registration and following waterway rules. Guided kayak tours are offered in peak season.
  • Free-roaming hiking permits are required to camp in Saskatchewan’s backcountry areas away from roads overnight. Guided wildflower tours popular in springs.
  • Entering Nahanni National Park in NWT involves special authorization and orientation due to its wilderness protection. Air charters and guided hikes offer the best access to its core areas.

What wildlife or natural features are unique to each location?

  • Peregrine falcons nest high atop Eastern Ontario’s sea cliffs. Harbor seals frequently play in the surf.
  • Vast herds of migratory caribou populate the arctic tundra, along with muskox, arctic hares, and myriad bird species.
  • Prairie dog towns, burrowing owls, pronghorns,s and migratory bird nesting make grasslands biodiversity world-class.

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