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Must-See Sights You Never Knew Existed in Colorful fishing villages in Vietnam along roads less traveled



Vietnam is a stunning country with incredible natural beauty and a rich culture. While major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City get most of the attention from travelers, some of the most fascinating places to visit in Vietnam are the quaint, colorful fishing villages scattered along its long coastline. Getting off the beaten path and exploring these remote coastal communities provides a glimpse into traditional Vietnamese life rarely seen by foreigners.

A Culinary Capital Nestled Among Rice Fields in Northern Vietnam

One of the most scenic and culturally vibrant fishing villages lies about 3 hours west of Hanoi in northern Vietnam. Cat Ba Island is located within Halong Bay and provides easy access to the dramatic limestone karsts for which Vietnam is famous. However, few travelers make their way to the charming town of Viet Hai, perched on the island’s eastern shore. Nestled among emerald rice paddies, Viet Hai is the largest fishing port on Cat Ba Island and has maintained its traditions despite growing tourism in the area.

Walking through the clean streets lined with simple wooden homes, you’ll find a wonderfully authentic slice of coastal Vietnamese life. Fishermen go about mending nets and repainting boats as women prepare seafood for the day’s catch. A highlight is stopping by the lively fish market in the early morning to see piles of freshly hauled crabs, clams, oysters, lobsters, and an array of fish on ice. The diverse bounty from Halong Bay is on full display.


When it comes to food, Viet Hai absolutely shines. With its location as a major fishing hub, the local cuisine focuses on impeccably fresh seafood prepared simply but deliciously. Be sure to sample grilled squid, steamed clams with Vietnamese herbs, crab noodles, and the specialty – fried brined fish served with a tangy garlic-chili sauce. Pair your seafood feast with some rice wine from one of the humble shops lining the waterfront. With its idyllic scenery, rich culture, and world-class seafood, Viet Hai has rightfully earned its reputation as a culinary capital that should not be missed when visiting northern Vietnam.

Wandering Among Ancient Khmer Ruins Overlooking the South China Sea

Traveling further down the scenic coastline brings you to central Vietnam, home to hidden historical treasures. About 3 hours south of Da Nang lies the coastal town of Tuy Hoa, nestled between verdant hills and the turquoise waters of the South China Sea. Few tourists make an effort to visit sleepy little Tuy Hoa, but those who do are rewarded with an incredible sight – the majestic ruins of King Ponagar Temple Tower perched upon a limestone outcropping overlooking the ocean.

Constructed in the late 12th century during the height of the Khmer Empire’s influence, the temple tower’s striking pyramidal form rises dramatically above the waves. Venture up narrow steps to reach the top and be rewarded with awe-inspiring panoramic views of the surrounding karst landscape and islands dotting the South China Sea as far as the eye can see. On a clear day, you may even spot Vietnam’s Phu Quoc Island in the distance.


While the temple has suffered damage over the centuries from war and erosion, its scale and craftsmanship are a testament to the architectural skills of ancient Khmer civilization. Wander through courtyards dotted with stately sculptures of Hindu gods, taking in the timeless ruins. Then, stop by the small adjacent fishing village where locals ply their trade casting nets from wooden boats and hauling fresh catches ashore each day, maintaining lives tied to the ocean for generations. The juxtaposition of ancient Khmer ruins with the simple present-day village offers an unforgettable cultural experience that few travelers outside Vietnam ever get to enjoy.

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Exploring a Remote Coastal Town Preserving Cham Heritage

Continuing south through central Vietnam brings you to another lesser known gem – the town of Phan Rang nestled along a scenic coastline. A few hours north of Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Rang sees very few foreign visitors despite being home to a unique cultural heritage. Once part of the ancient kingdom of Champa that stretched along Vietnam’s central coast, artifacts of Cham civilization can still be found throughout Phan Rang and the surrounding area.

One of the most iconic sights is the Thap Nam Valley, located a short drive northwest of Phan Rang’s outskirts. Nestled between imposing sandstone cliffs etched with Buddhist carvings and topped with moss, the peaceful valley houses the impressive ruins of ancient Cham temples. Wander through the structures partially reclaimed by tropical vegetation to admire intricate stonework and stately reliefs that have withstood the test of centuries of erosion. Nearby are several distinctive longhu mounds where Cham kings were once buried.


Venture into Phan Rang itself to visit a lively Cham tribal village tucked away on the city outskirts. Wander the rustic paths to observe traditional stilt houses, distinctive clothes, and unique crafts still practiced by the small but proud Cham community. Stop to chat with friendly locals and learn about their fascinating, rich culture that has endured despite the influences of time. From preserved ruins to present-day communities, exploring Phan Rang offers valuable cultural insights into Vietnam’s past. The area preserves a heritage few people outside the region ever discover.

Getting Lost in a Labyrinth of Limestone Islands

For natural beauty unrivaled anywhere in Southeast Asia, head to Vietnam’s southern coast. About 3 hours north of Nha Trang lies the island paradise of Qui Nhon sandwiched between Vietnam’s verdant coast and the emerald waters of the South China Sea. Somewhat overshadowed by its tourism powerhouse neighbors, Qui Nhon sees fewer foreign visitors which allows it to retain its charm. From here, day trips to outlying islands offer unique experiences that will live long in your memory.

One option is Phu Quy Island, a scenic 45-minute drive south. Reaching the island involves a short ferry ride across calm turquoise waters. Upon disembarking, you’ll find yourself immersed in a maze of limestone pillars jutting dramatically out of the South China Sea. Dirt trails weave between the islands, allowing for foot or bicycle exploration to hidden beaches and mysterious caves. In this otherworldly seascape, you may spot local fishermen casting nets amidst the limestone spires or come upon quaint, uninhabited islets fringed by powdery white sand. The natural beauty is extraordinarily photogenic, but only astonishingly few travelers have ever discovered this enchanting place.


An alternative island-hopping adventure is traveling north to Trung Trang and Hon Khoai islets. You’ll embark on a small boat wending its way through emerald waters between towering granite islands carved by centuries of ocean currents. Snorkel in crystal clear waters teeming with colorful sea life among coral gardens or explore mysterious tide pools and sea arches concealed between pillars of limestone. The islands remain a pristine sanctuary with no development other than a few modest homestays where you can witness a traditional fishing lifestyle unchanged for generations. Experiencing these breathtaking natural wonders is well worth exploring off the beaten path. The scenery will no doubt become one of your foremost Vietnamese memories.

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Connecting with Local Culture in Vietnam’s Oldest Fishing Port

Heading further south brings you to one of Vietnam’s most historic coastal communities located right in the heart of southern culture. About 2 hours north of Ho Chi Minh City lies Binh Thuy Ancient Town, which has thrived as a fishing port for over 900 years. Despite modernization surrounding it, Binh Thuy preserves charming old alleyways and traditions few other places have managed to maintain.

Stroll the sleepy backstreets to observe humble wooden homes with tiled roofs and gardens of banana and papaya trees. Stop to chat with warm locals weaving conical hats by hand, a craft perfected over generations. Visit quaint family-run workshops practicing centuries-old woodcarving and lacquer techniques to create ornate ceremonial objects still used in daily life and religious festivals. Traditional ceramics, mats, and embroidery created using natural dyes also offer a window into southern Vietnam’s rich heritage.


Meals highlighting Binh Thuy’s renowned cuisine should not be missed. Try heavenly turmeric-tinged seafood soup, shrimp paste wrapped in banana leaves for a uniquely southern flavor, or chargrilled fish served with a nuanced caramel dipping sauce. With dishes steeped in history yet prepared with local super fresh ingredients, the meals will be among your most memorable in Vietnam. Wandering Binh Thuy’s charming backstreets while soaking up rich culture provides a meaningful cultural experience off the mainstream tourism trail. Few places have retained as much of their cultural heritage and traditions as Binh Thuy over the centuries.

Soaking in Natural Hot Springs Amidst Towering Karsts

No journey through Vietnam’s lesser-known coastal villages would be complete without a visit to Ham Tan, located deep in Vietnam’s southern mountains near the Cambodian border. Nestled between karst peaks towering over 1,000 feet above the surrounding jungle landscape, the remote village of Ham Tan is renowned for its healing hot springs. Fed by underground thermal waters, the natural hot spring pools have been a place of solace for locals and visitors alike for generations.

Wander past humble homes and gardens to reach the hot spring area scattered amidst dense tropical foliage. Choose from pools of various temperatures – from quite warm, perfect for sore muscles, to pools nearly at a boil where you can cook an egg! Soak away tensions as monkeys play in the treetops overhead. Nearby rivers offer forest adventures, trekking, or tubing through karsts. Simple family-run homestays in stilted bamboo houses offer an idyllic rural escape amid nature that few other tourists experience. The soothing natural waters and picturesque scenery far from city lights allow true rejuvenation of mind, body, and soul.

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